A room full of leafy green plants looks lush and welcoming and offers tangible health benefits. With a little know-how, houseplants are easy to keep alive and will make your house feel more like a home. Read on for some easy beginner’s plants to try and how to look after them.
Greener, healthier living
Studies have shown that in hospitals, house plants can increase tolerance to pain, and in workplaces and schools, they can improve people’s moods, reduce stress levels and increase productivity. All good reasons to bring some extra greenery into your home, too.
House plants are also good for air quality, which can often be worse inside than out, depending on ventilation and toxins in the environment, such as mould or chemicals. As well as regular ventilation, plants can help to remove chemical compounds from the air – the more plants, the merrier.
5 easy house plants for beginners
What we all want to avoid is spending money only to end up with dead plants, which are the absolute opposite of mood boosters. Happily, many indoor plants are incredibly easy to look after and will live on indefinitely with a little effort and care.
Despite its unflattering name, Mother-in-Law’s tongue is a wonderful indoor plant. With long, spiky leaves, it tolerates neglect, grows happily in a pot, and requires no pruning. In fact, you can divide it to create more. It likes bright, filtered light or partial shade and well-drained soil.
Happy to face in any direction and tolerant of some shade, the beautiful Peace Lily is an air purifier that also looks beautiful in any space. The beautiful white flowers are more likely to make an appearance in early summer if they are kept somewhere with good light.
Very hard to kill and said to bring good luck, the Jade plant is an easy-to-grow succulent that makes a good Brisbane housewarming gift. As long as they aren’t overwatered, they will live happily indoors, preferably in a bright spot, although too much direct sunlight is not advised. Although slow-growing, jade plants are easy to propagate, so you can make more and even give them away as gifts.
With its distinctive holey leaves, the Swiss cheese plant is perhaps the most recognisable of all when it comes to indoor jungles. Like most indoor plants, it likes bright, indirect light and moist, well-drained soil. Wiping the leaves with a damp cloth weekly will ensure they stay healthy.
With its impressive height and stunning, glossy leaves, the South African Fiddle leaf fig is hard to pass up. They love bright, indirect light, well-drained soil, and a little humidity, which you can artificially create by misting them every few days. Wiping down the leaves will also keep them looking fabulous.
Tips for decorating with indoor plants
First, look at your light throughout the day. Narrow down the optimal spots for your houseplants. Most don’t like direct sun, nor will they thrive in darkness. Think about where they will do best and add a plant stand or small table to sit them on.
Think about containers. Plain or stone pots look great in modern interiors. For more traditional homes, look for patterned china pots. Sculptural plants such as cacti work well in modern homes, while traditional interiors will suit ferns and palms.
Have fun and see what works. Move them around according to the seasons, group them together for more impact, and work out which ones thrive in your home and which don’t. Pick up plants and pots at local Brisbane garage sales and enjoy the changing life and colour they bring to your home.